How to read the rest of the label!
So you bought your legal cannabis, get home and are super confused about what’s on the label! Two THC percentages? Strain and terpenes?
What is all this?
Let’s talk about the THC percentages first! The smaller one is the total THC in dried form.
The larger percentage is the total THC after the cannabinoids have been activated! How cool is that? Same goes for the CBD percentages!
Terpenes! We could do a whole post on them! They are the smelly, oily compounds in plants! (Think of essential oils). Each terpene has its own unique flavor profile and taste! Let’s look at two popular ones!
Hmm… wonder what that taste and smells like? Can be found in,
pine needles, rosemary, or even dill!
Another popular one is Mycerne. It can be
found in mango, lemongrass, and Thyme. If you eat a little mango before consuming any strain with Mycerne if can enhance the high from that strain.
Oh look I got sidetracked! Squirrel!!! Lol
Warning Labels
Obviously there are warning labels! Keep out of reach and away from children! Won’t someone think of the children!?!? Using Locked storage is best! I even know where you can buy some! At our Valleyview location. 🙂
Other Information
There is also a lot of numbers, expiry, and packaging dates.
Licensed Producers
You will find the LP (Licensed Producers) information.
How could I forget the weight? 1g, 3.5g and I’ve heard of 7g packs in
Alberta but haven’t seen them! Kinda like a unicorn!
Hope this helps in your adventures of trying new strains!
Happy Consuming