Hello again my followers; we recently ordered in a new brand and I just had to try it!
Whistler Cannabis Company is the first License Producer to be certified organic for five years and they do not look like they are stopping. We have two strains in: S.S.C (Strawberry Short Cookies) and BC Rockstar.
S.S.C. (Strawberry Short Cookies)
S.S.C is yummy tasting sativa. Topping out at 18.86% THC. With .04% CBD. Yes, it does taste like strawberry cookies! The high had no anxiety and little to no munchies. I had no focus! I would not smoke this before having to do any tasks. Lol I would recommend this bud to anyone wanting delicious tasting and super fresh buds!

BC Rockstar
Now on to the other strain BC Rockstar. I love this strain from another company and did my best to go in unbiased. I am glad I did. Whistler’s Rockstar came in at 17.85% THC and .04% CBD. I took some neat close up macro shots of this bud. As you can see brighter green buds with purple hues. The smell was floral. Which I thought was odd. Linalool is the number four terpene on the list for Rockstar. With limonene being number one. It’s a very relaxing smoke. No focus and no munchies; just couch lock and a movie or maybe your favorite tv show! Not going to lie I watched lots of nature documentaries after I’ve consumed; listening to David Attenborough is very relaxing. I would recommend this bud as well; it is worth every penny!

I know the price of Whistler can be scary! I want you to think about what you are buying. Each package has a humidity pack in them. Not the best packaging also not the worst. Certified organic, premium bud. Its worth a try!
Happy Consuming!
<3 PEP